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Auction Item Questions and Answers posted on item:
Item number: rollers1727551085.dat
Titled: Birmingham Rollers
Question about this item from a possible (buyer): Epliett
Post on: Wed Sep 25, 05:15 PM
can you explain how to do Walmart pay? i'm not familiar.

Response on this item from (seller): Oliver1
Post on: Thu Sep 26, 08:53 AM
Just got to your Walmart store to the returns dept. and they will tell you
how to do the money transfer. You will need the persons name and address that you are sending the money to. I hope this helps.

Question about this item from a possible (buyer): Epliett
Post on: Thu Sep 26, 09:43 AM
2 quick questions. will you take PayPal? And can you tell me how much shipping cost to zip 46763?
Thanks Ed

Response on this item from (seller): Oliver1
Post on: Thu Sep 26, 12:57 PM
Hi Ed,
Shipping to Laotto, In. will be $47.65 for 2 birds plus $12.00 for a new shipping box.

Response on this item from (seller): Oliver1
Post on: Thu Sep 26, 12:58 PM
Hi Ed,
Shipping to Laotto, In. will be $47.65 for 2 birds plus $12.00 for a new shipping box. Sorry I do not have a pay pal account.

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