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Feedback On: Bigwattle

Users Feedback Rating

Postive Percentage Rating: 66.7%
Overall Rating: 2
Number of Comments: 6

Feedback Summary

Positive: 4
Neutral: 0
Negative: 2

FeedBack Detailes

Feedback left by:Date PostedFeedback LeftItemS/B
Lonnie74 (-1) Tue Feb 28, 11:58 PMNegative1677210441S
Comment: Refused to respond thru every outlet

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Mjt19772019 (-1) Fri Dec 02, 09:24 PMNegative1669947185S
Comment: Seller ends auctions as soon as you
bid. Ending the auctions early and
then demanding payment. That's not
how auctions work. scammer!!

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Showracer (13) Sat Apr 09, 12:08 AMPositive 1648615533B
Comment: Fast payment great communication, thank you

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Showracer (13) Thu Nov 25, 11:32 AMPositive 1636505511B
Comment: Fast payment, good communication will do business again.

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Showracer (13) Thu Nov 25, 11:30 AMPositive 1636506655B
Comment: Great buyer to deal with. Thank you Gus

Feedback left by:Date PostedFeedback LeftItemS/B
Showracer (13) Mon Nov 01, 09:54 PMPositive 1634610855B
Comment: Fast payment, Great communication, will do business again

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